The Coast Ridge

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A pictures worth a thousand words - right? Here’s a simple, visual step by step guide to growing your own sprouts at home on your counter! We used mung beans which are high in protein, fiber, potassium, zinc, iron, selenium, antioxidants + the list goes on with vitamin + minerals.

Start with 60 grams - we used mung beans - in a bowl.

Cover with filtered water & soak 8-12 hours.

After a good soak, rinse & place in your clean mason jar. Cover with a piece of cheese cloth & secure with rubber band around the mouth.

Tilt the jar to drain over a glass container and allow for good airflow. Rinse with filtered water at least 2x per day for 4-6 days or until sprouts are about 1”.

Sprouts after 4 days.

Here’s what you need:

1 mason jar - 32 oz // 800 ml

1 piece cheese cloth

1 rubber band

pyrex or something to catch the water - see photo

filtered H20

Seeds - 60 grams (we used mung beans here)


See above for details. Depending on your seeds/beans, soaking/sprouting time may differ. Play around with it - This is just one of the many ways to grow your own!