Cacao Almond Butter Cups


Are you ready? Well get ready, because these are good!

Vegan / Gluten Free / Dairy Free / No Bake


1/2 c cacao powder

1/2 c coconut oil melted

3 T pure maple syrup

raw almond butter

mini paper baking cups


  • Pour melted coconut oil into a small mixing bowl & whisk in cacao powder + maple syrup.

  • Set 24 mini baking cups on a tray that will fit in your fridge.

  • Pour 1/4 - 1/2 Tablespoon of the cacao mixture into each cup (note :: leave half of the mixture for the top; OR use less cups if you want a thicker base) Then place the tray in the fridge to harden up (about 5 min)

  • When the cacao mix in the cups is firm, remove the tray from fridge & place a dollop of almond butter on each, then pour the remaining cacao mix over the tops. (note:: in cooler temps, the cacao mix might firm up. Just warm it up and whisk a bit) Let set in fridge then sprinkle with sea salt and enjoy. Store in air tight container in fridge.

The Coast Ridge